
  • The Kiss

    Elvie continues to bring some love and laughter into your space.  Introducing a new Lip Vinyl badge detail into our collection, we aim to bring a sense of fun and spirit into your life.  While we are aware that life is full of ups and downs, we hope wearing our pieces brings you joy and happiness... View Post
  • Salvador Dali Mae West Sofa

    Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí was a Spanish surrealist artist renowned for his technical skill, precise draftsmanship, and the striking and bizarre images in his work. Born in Figueres, Catalonia, Spain.  Dalis fascination with lips & Mae West created 1 of his most treasured & fam... View Post
  • Hand painted Elvie Sweats

    HANDPAINTED SWEATS Made in Melbourne, sewn, laundered, painted, embroidered & delivered by people that care, respect & appreciate being part of the Elvie Journey.  Our team enjoy creating fashionable, wearable designs.  To inspire, excite, and delight you. These sweats are made in Melbo... View Post